(if:$bag >= 2000)[
Congratulations, $playerName!
(if:$hasStarted is "true")[
(set:$hasStarted to true)]
(if:$bag < 2000)[
(set: $current to "Introduction")
(set: $netIncome to "0")
(if:$playerName is "null")[(set: $isLoser to "true")]
(if:$hasStarted is (true))[
Welcome back, $playerName!
Where would you like to trade next?
Select: [[Egypt|Egypt]], [[Kenya|Kenya]], or [[Thailand|Thailand]].
Or, you may [[view bag|bag]].
(if:$hasStarted is (false))[
Introducting $playerName, the world's newest Indian Ocean Basin trader! You are ready to hop into the market and dive into the Indian Ocean Basin Trade.
Where would you like to trade first?
Select: [[Egypt|Egypt]], [[Kenya|Kenya]], or [[Thailand|Thailand]].
Or you may choose to: [[view Bag|bag]], or [[read the rules|rules]]
[[Restart Game|rules]]You have $(print: $bag) in the bag.
[[Return to $current|$current]](set: $hasStarted to false)
''Welcome to the Indian Ocean Basin Trading Simulator!''
You will take on the role of a trader in the Indian Ocean Basin seeking economic trade expansion and a masterful trading empire. You start with $30, but must chase the bag to hit $2000 in the bank to win the game.
The miles that you travel will affect how much money you are given at the end of each voyage.
When you reach the target country you will trade and receive income. Afterwards, you will return to India.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[[[Begin Game|pickName]]](set: $path to "Egypt")
Bag: $(print: $bag).
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
Would you like to travel a lengthier trip [[along the coast|Coast]], or a quicker trip [[through the open ocean|Ocean]]?(set: $hasStarted to "true")
(set: $path to "Kenya")
Bag: $(print: $bag).
Would you like to travel a lengthier trip [[along the coast|kenyaCoast]], or a quicker trip [[through the open ocean|kenyaOcean]]?(set: $hasStarted to "true")
(set: $current to "Thailand")
(set:$isAbandoned to false)
You may decide to either [[leave for Thailand with your regular amount of goods and no investment|normalGoods]], or [[set out with three additional ships, effectively tripling your payout for a cost of $150|yes2invest]].
(text-style:"sway")[//Note: we don't condone gambling but sometimes you gotta risk it for the biscuit.//]You decide to take the basic route along the shore.
(set: $hasPirates to (either:true,false))
(if:$hasPirates is true)[
(set: $pirateSteal to (5,10))
Unfortunately for you, your close proximity to the shore made you a ripe target for pirates. They board your ship and steal $pirateSteal from your vault, but thankfully your crew is left intact and is able to fight them off so you can continue on your journey.
[[Continue to the Red Sea|redSea]]
(if:$hasPirates is false)[
Luckily for you, there are no pirates along the coast, and you are able to travel an uneventful series of days to the Red Sea.
[[Continue to the Red Sea|redSea]]
](set: $crewSick to (either:true,false))
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
(if:$crewSick is true)[
(set: $bag to ($bag - 10))
A member of your crew has perished along the valiant journey to trade. You perform a ritual sea burial and lose $10. You may either cut your losses and (t8n-depart:"shudder")[[return home|Introduction]] to pick another trade route, or raise morale with a $10 celebration and [[continue the journey|adenGulf]].
(if:$crewSick is false)[
You have an uneventful journey across the ocean. [[Continue to the Gulf of Aden|adenGulf]]
(if:$bag < 0)[(go-to:"gameOver")](if:$bag >= 2000)[
(text-style:"italic","double-underline","smear","sway")[You Win!]
//You and your crew prevailed through the hardships of the Indian Ocean Basin! Congratulations!//
[[Play Again|rules]]
(if:$bag < 2000)[
(text-style:"emboss","expand","shudder")[Game Over!]]
(if:$isLoser is true)[
Unfortunately, you were robbed by pirates. You could have been reincarnated, but since you neglected to select a name your soul has been banished from the realm of existence.
[[Oops, I'm an idiot...|banishPlane]]
(if:$isLoser is false)[
You lost $[(abs:$bag)].
(if:$isGoodPerson is true)[
You were a valient and receptive captain, who attended properly to their crew. Your stockholders have graciously eliminated your debt.
You have died of dysentery. GG!
Would you like to [[play again|rules]]?]
[[RESTART|rules]](set: $hasPort to (either:true,false))
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
(if:$hasPort is true)[
''New Port Discovered!''
(set: $goodTrade to (either:true,false))
You've discovered a new trading post!
(if:$goodTrade is true)[
(set: $netIncome to (random: 1, 21))
(set: $bag to $bag + $netIncome)
With your successful trading skills, you have negotiated a haul of $netIncome!
(set: $netIncome to (0))
(set: $hasPirates to (false))
[[Continue to the Red Sea|redSea]]
(if:$goodTrade is false)[
Doesn't look like there's anybody here. [[Continue in misery|redSea]]]
(if:$hasPort is false)[
''No Luck.''
It looks deserted, and there are currently no trading posts open. The pirates must have gotten the better of them again.
(set: $hasPirates to (true))
[[Continue to the Red Sea|redSea]]
](if:$bag >= 2000)[
[[Congratulations, $$playerName!|gameOver]]
(if:$bag < 2000)[
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
(if:$isLoser is true)[
(set: $bag to "0")
[[What is it?|gameOver]]
(set: $hasPirates to (either:true,false))
(if:$hasPirates is true)[
(set: $pirateSteal to (15,100))
(set: $netIncome to (100,200))
Unfortunately, you have been robbed of $$pirateSteal by pirates, but luckily you had enough goods to sell and you are able to make $$netIncome.
You may now safely [[return home|Introduction]].
(if:$hasPirates is false)[
(set: $netIncome to (100,200))
You have made it succesfully to the Red Sea and traded, bagging $$netIncome!
(set:$hasStarted to true)
You may now [[Return home|Introduction]] and plan another expedition.
]]What shall we call you?
(set: $playerName to "null")
(dropdown: 2bind $playerName,"null","Marcus Pollo","Ivan Spatula","Zheng She","San Sibar","Moe Gadishu","Callie Cut","Ma Linda")
(set: $bag to 30)
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[[[Begin Game|Introduction]]]''That's a shame.''
You may close the game now, //you've lost//. This time we don't feel like giving you a second chance, since you didn't play by our rules.(set: $hasPirates to (either:true,false))
(set:$yourValue to (random:200,350))
(set:$localValue to (random:200,350))
(set:$hasStarted to true)
(if:$hasPirates is true)[
(set:$pirateSteal to (random:5,30))
(set: $bag to $bag - $pirateSteal)
As you travel, a group of pirates board your ship, taking $$pirateSteal and killing two of your crew. You now have $$bag in the bag.
You may either choose to [[move on->kenyaUndercutSales]] and continue to trade, or [[turn back|Introduction]] and take another path.
(if:$hasPirates is false)[
You successfully reached the Kenyan Coast! You have $$yourValue worth of goods, and the local going price for your merchandise is $$localValue.
(if:$localValue is < $yourValue)[
(set:$netLoss to ($yourValue - $localValue))
You may choose to return home to [[sell at a local market|localMarket]], or [[sell your merchandise for the local price of $$localValue|kenyaUndercutSales]]
(if:$localValue is > $yourValue)[
(set:$netGain to ($yourValue - $localValue))
(set: $bag to ($bag + $yourValue))
You were able to undercut local sellers by $$netGain, and successfully sold your goods. You now have $$bag, and may [[return home victorious|Introduction]]!
](set:$hasStarted to true)
(set:$hasStorm to (either:true,false))
You decide to head straight through the open ocean to save some time.
(if:$hasStorm is true)[
A storm rages through, but your crew is able to push past it and not lose anything. Some of your crew are scared and want to turn back. Would you like to [[continue|kenyaOceanCtd]], or [[return home|picksReturnHome]]?
(if:$hasStorm is false)[
You made it through the ocean passage, and you have arrived at the Coast of Kenya.
](if:$bag >= 2000)[
[[Congratulations, $$playerName!|gameOver]]
(if:$bag < 2000)[
(if:$hasPirates is true)[
(set:$netIncome to $yourValue - $pirateSteal)
(set:$bag to ($bag + $netIncome))
(set:$hasStarted to true)
Because the pirates robbed you, your net gain is only $$netIncome.
You are now forced to [[return home|Introduction]] and plan another expedition.
Hopefully your investors aren't too upset...
(if:$hasPirates is false)[(set:$bag to ($bag + $localValue))
A local seller is able to undercut your price for goods by $$netLoss.
That being said, you were able to find buyers for your merchandise and sell it all for the local price of $$localValue.
You may now [[return home|Introduction]] to plan your next trading expedition.
]](set:$hasLuck to (either:true,false))
(if:$hasLuck is true)[
(set: $goodsMult to (random:1,5))
(set: $netGain to ($yourValue / $goodsMult))
(set: $bag to ($bag + $netGain))
You were able to successfully sell your merchandise back home for $$netGain. You now have $$bag.
(set: $netGain to 0)
(set: $yourValue to 0)
(set: $goodsMult to 0)
(if:$hasLuck is false)[
You were unable to sell your goods locally.
[[Return home|Introduction]].
](set: $hasStarted to "true")
(if:$hasStorm is true)[(set:$morale to (random:2,4))(either:"That was quite the storm, $playerName.","Captain $playerName, we almost perished...","lmao $playerName that storm was mid (delete prior to release)")]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[(text-style:"italic","underline")[COAST OF KENYA]
Greetings, $playerName. Welcome to the Coast of Kenya.
[[Trade|kenyaMarket]](if:$bag >= 2000)[
[[Congratulations, $$playerName!|gameOver]]
(if:$bag < 2000)[
(set:$isGoodPerson to true)
(set: $hasStarted to true)
You chose to return home.
[[Continue|Introduction]].](set: $hasStarted to "true")
(if:$hasStorm is false)[
(set: $netIncome to (200,500))
(set: $bag to $bag + $netIncome)
After a successful but tedious journey, you were able to market your goods for a decent $$netIncome.
(set: $hasStarted to true)
[[Return Home|Introduction]]
(if:$hasStorm is true)[
(set: $newBag to (200,500))
(set: $netIncome to $newBag / $morale)
(set: $bag to $bag + $netIncome)
Your crew is tired from the storm, and you were only able to make $$netIncome. You made $morale times less than what you should have as a result... Maybe listen to your crew next time.
(set:$hasStarted to "true")
[[Return Home|Introduction]]
](set:$multiplier to 1)
The anchor is up, and you've left the shore for Thailand!
[[Continue|thai2]](if:$bag >= 150)[(set:$canAfford to true)
(if:$bag < 150)[(set:$canAfford to false)
(if:$canAfford is true)[(set:$multiplier to 3)
(set:$bag to $bag - 150)
$350 has been deducted from your reserves, and three ships join your fleet for this trip.
(if:$canAfford is false)[Your crew laughs at your meager wages. Come back when you have enough money for their time. [[Oops|$current]].](if:$multiplier is 1)[
You see a sinking ship in the distance. Would you like to [[help|investigate]], or [[continue|pickCtd]]?
(if:$multiplier is 3)[
As you set out with your fleet of ships, it's smooth sailing until a few of your crew decide they want to make the money instead of just being paid a fraction of it.
They take one ship and go rogue, leaving the fleet.
Do you [[let them go|ignoreRobCrew]] and take a $50 loss, or [[chase them down|chaseOn]]?
](set: $isNice to (either:true,false))
(if:$isNice is true)[
(set:$bag to $bag + 200)
You get close to the sinking ship and realize that they are old trading partners of one of your investors. Thanks to your quick rescue, they are relieved, and give you $200 for your service.
[[Continue to Harbor|thaiHarbor]]
(if:$isNice is false)[As you draw closer to the ship, you realize that they bear a flag of a local pirate group. Unfortunately, you cannot escape, and they board your boat and slaughter your crew.
](set:$isAbandoned to true)
You heartlessly pass the stranded travellers, leaving them to die in the hardship that is the Indian Ocean Basin.
[[Continue to Harbor|thaiHarbor]](set:$bag to $bag - 50)
You decide to ignore the stolen ship, and lose $50.
[[Continue to Harbor|thaiHarbor]].(set:$isLucky to (either:true,false))
(if:$isLucky is true)[
(set:$bag to $bag + 50)
As you near the ship, the crew becomes afraid and jumps overboard, and you successfully recapture your vessel, regaining your $50.
(if:$isLucky is false)[
As you begin pursuit of the other vessel, you realize that it is your main defense ship and not carrying many goods. It's too late, though, and you hear your ship tearing apart from the battery of your own defenses.
](set:$isStorm to (either:true,false))
(if:$isStorm is true)[
You see dark clouds rolling in overhead. Do you [[anchor and wait the storm out|waitOut]], or [[sail through it|sailThruStorm]]?
(if:$isStorm is false)[
The uneventful journey to the Thai Harbor passes slowly, but you finally arrive.
]As you near the harbor of Thailand, you see no ships going in.
When you dock, you hear that there is another port further along the coast that trades in the black market and can earn you significantly more money. Do you [[trade legally|legalTrade]], or [[gamble the bag|blackMarket]]?You wait out the storm safely, and may now [[safely dock at the harbor|thaiNewHarbor]].(set:$isLucky to (either:true,false))
(if:$isLucky is true)[
Your seaborne overlords have your back, and you make it through the storm safely.
[[Dock at Harbor|thaiNewHarbor]].
(if:$isLucky is false)[
The storm picks up with you straight in the center.
You try to protect the goods, but your crew is upset with you and they push you overboard. Should've kept them safe from the storm...
[[Better luck next time|gameOver]]!
](if:$isAbandoned is "false")[(set:$isAbandoned to false)]
(if:$isAbandoned is "true")[(set:$isAbandoned to true)]
(if: $isAbandoned is false)[
(set:$netProfit to (random:75,400))
(set:$bag to $bag + $netProfit)
You made a decent enough $$netProfit from the local trading. You now have $$bag.
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
[[Return home|Introduction]].
(if: $isAbandoned is true)[
(set:$netProfit to (random:75,400))
(set:$bag to $bag + $netProfit)
(set:$fine to (random:70,200))
You made a decent enough $$netProfit from the local trading.
Unfortunately for you, the sinking ship you passed earlier was rescued, and the captain of that ship was the Port Authority for Thailand. Fed up with your success, he fines you $$fine for entering his port and trading after abandoning his crew.
(set: $bag to $bag - $fine)
In total, you now have $$bag.
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
[[Return home|Introduction]]
](set:$isGettingRobbed to (either:true,false))
(set:$Income to (random:450,900))
(if:$isGettingRobbed is true)[
(set:$stolenMoney to (random:100,500))
(set:$netMoneyGained to $Income - $stolenMoney)
(set:$bag to $bag + $netMoneyGained)
You were able to market your goods for a price of $$netIncome.
Unfortunately, however, some of your black market buyers took the goods and refused to pay, holding you at hostage and robbing your stock. In total, they took $$stolenMoney.
On this trip, you exchanged $$netMoneyGained, making your new balance $$bag.
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
You may now [[return home|Introduction]]
(if:$isGettingRobbed is false)[
(set:$Income to (random:450,910))
(set:$bag to $bag + $Income)
You make a great con artist because you are a horrible person. Your scam tactics yielded $$Income, and your new balance is $$bag.
(set: $hasStarted to "true")
You may now [[return home|Introduction]] to continue trading.